Connecting ideas to shape the future

Welcome to Salamanca Tech! This event focuses on technologies and entrepreneurship.

The conference "Connecting ideas to shape the future" is a key event aimed at students of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, focused on new technologies and entrepreneurship.

The aim of this event is to promote new technologies and entrepreneurship to retain talent and drive the city towards a HUB of innovation.

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this unique event in Salamanca! Register now and join the technology community.


12:15 Welcome

Carlos García Carbayo

D. Carlos García CarbayoAlcalde de Salamanca

D. Santiago García-Jalón de la Lama

D. Santiago García-Jalón de la LamaRector de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez

D. Juan Manuel Corchado RodríguezCatedrático en Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidad de Salamanca

12:30 Round Table: technologies and entrepreneurship

Dña. Encarna Beato Gutiérrez

Dña. Encarna Beato GutiérrezVicedecana de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Moderadora)

D. Santiago González Izard

D. Santiago González Izard Director de ARSOFT

Dña. María de Miguel Hernández

Dña. María de Miguel HernándezManager Account Management de Undanet

D. Fernando Galindo Rubio

D. Fernando Galindo RubioProfesor Titular de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Dña. Beatriz García Miguélez

Dña. Beatriz García MiguélezVicepresidenta de la Asociación de Empresarias de Salamanca

13:30 Closure

Date 07/03/2024

12:15 a 13:30

1 hour

Aula de Grados
Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
C. de la Compañía, 5, 37002


Audience Students of the faculty


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Ayuntamiento de Salamanca
AIR Institute