
Así se vivió la Jornada de Salamanca Biotech: “Un entorno empresarial en crecimiento”

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Tech Hub

Salamanca Tech, the initiative that seeks to promote innovation and technological development in the city. Our mission is to make Salamanca a benchmark in innovation, combining the pillars of science, sustainability, entrepreneurship, technology, logistics and health.


Salamanca Tech will promote the city's business and technological fabric through different activities, forums and conferences. This type of initiatives will connect entrepreneurs, investors and businessmen, in order to create strategic alliances that promote disruptive ideas to become a reference in innovation.

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Tech Hub Axis

6 axis to boost sustainable development in Salamanca


Salamanca is a benchmark in scientific development, with a high density of institutions and research centres in areas such as biotechnology, chemistry, physics and Artificial Intelligence.


Salamanca is committed to technological development, making it an attractive destination for investors looking for business opportunities. In the last decade Salamanca has hosted dozens of startups and technology companies.


Salamanca's strategic location and its excellent connection with other regions, the implementation of the Dry Port and the intermodal platform make it an ideal place to develop innovative projects with a national and international scope.


Salamanca promotes sustainability through various initiatives with projects such as LIFE Vía de la Plata and the Tormes +, thus becoming a smart city and more friendly to the planet.


Salamanca is an international benchmark with its biosanitary campus and large biomedical research centres that apply technologies such as IoT and AI to prevent diseases.


Salamanca cuenta con un ambiente emprendedor y colaborativo que fomenta la creatividad, la innovación y el intercambio de ideas. At Salamanca Tech we will provide the tools to promote the development of innovative projects.

AIR Institute
Colabora el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Salamanca Ayuntamiento de Salamanca