CYBERCAMP - Raising awareness about safe internet use

Available until 31 May 2023!

The awareness course on the safe use of the internet will have a dynamic theoretical basis complemented with practical exercises in which you as a participant will learn to detect dangerous situations and categorise threats.

This course will have the participation of different cybersecurity experts who, through videos and active conversations on the platform's forum, will educate you about the different risks that currently exist on the internet and that can affect us in our daily lives.

This course will provide you with a series of content, both video and written, with which you will be able to overcome the different topics and expand your knowledge in cybersecurity. You will be able to study the topics that most interest you and obtain a certificate for their completion.

We are waiting for you!


  1. Introduction and Contextualisation
    1. Introduction of Key Concepts: Introduce key terms such as phishing, malware, SQL injection, and ransomware.
    2. Importance of Cybersecurity: Discussion on the impact of cybersecurity in everyday life and in the business environment.
  2. Interactive Thematic Development
    1. Each topic is developed through a theoretical explanation followed by practical examples and case studies. 
    2. Phishing and Email Spoofing: Detailed discussion on what phishing is, how to detect it, and real examples of phishing attacks. Analysis of cases such as the Carrefour or Santander email to understand email spoofing.
    3. Smishing and Infected USB: Exploration of SMS attacks and the risks of infected USB devices, with practical examples and prevention measures.
    4. SQL Injection: Basics of databases and SQL, explanation of SQL injection vulnerability with code examples and injection types. Discussion of consequences and prevention strategies.
  3. Application and Case Analysis
    1. Malware and Ransomware: Classification and analysis of different types of malware, focusing on their methods of spreading and prevention.
    2. Man-in-the-Middle (MITM): Explanation of what a MITM attack is, examples of spreading and prevention.
  4. Practical Activities and Simulations  
    1. Practical exercises and simulations based on the examples discussed, such as identifying a phishing attempt or measures to prevent a ransomware attack. 
  5. Reflection and Discussion  
    1. Debate and critical analysis sessions on the cases studied.
    2. Reflection on the importance of awareness and adoption of good practices in cybersecurity.
  6. Evaluation and Feedback
    1. Short quizzes or questionnaires to assess understanding and retention of knowledge. 
    2. Gathering feedback to improve future editions of the course.

This methodology seeks not only to transmit theoretical knowledge, but also to develop practical and critical analysis skills in participants, preparing them to recognise and respond effectively to cybersecurity threats.

Coordination and management:

Juan Manuel Corchado
University of Salamanca


Manuel López
University of Salamanca

Pablo Plaza
University of Salamanca

Andrea Gil
University of Salamanca

Manal Jammal
University of Salamanca

Unit 1


Available from 23 March

Unit 2


Available from 23 March

Unit 3

SQL Injection

Available from 27 March

Unit 4


Available from 30 March

Unit 5


Available from 3 April

Unit 6


Available from 6 April


Satisfaction survey


Register now!
Date 23/03/2023
Duration 30 horas
Modality Online
Price Gratuito

FREE course certified by BISITE - University of Salamanca - Limited places available!
AIR Institute
Colabora el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Salamanca Ayuntamiento de Salamanca